
Sunday, October 30, 2011

In Which We Take A Prisoner

Can you feel it? The weight of the semester pressing down on you? Well I sure can. If you can't I'm going to assume you're not a college student. I see my classmates shuffling around campus, backs hunched. If it's not the literal weight of their backpacks weighing them down, it's the figurative weight of upcoming reports and presentations. When the semester gets like this, I'm even more overjoyed for the weekly release that is Stitch 'n Bitch. Last Tuesday we had a particularly entertaining bunch of people gather. Madeline double sweatered it.

Oh Madeline, will your hilarious shenanigans never cease?!
Thanks to Kat's knitting devotion, Aric is halfway to a pair of warm hands. I don't know what I expected from the couple that defied the sweater curse.

Gloves are the sweaters of knitted accessories. I wouldn't even knit myself a pair. No loved one should expect me to fiddle with individual fingers. Mittens for everybody!

My friend Cate stopped by to pick up her new hat. Just look at the excitement my camera captured! Take note. This is ALWAYS the appropriate response for a knitwear recipient. 

After knitting this pattern twice, I'm really in love with it. I think it's about time I made one for myself. You know, after all the holiday knitting is finished.

Seating arraignments in the HUB are variable. I usually try to arrive to Stitch 'n Bitch 15 minutes early to secure enough seating. If no large groups of chairs are free, it's sometimes best to sit in the general area of one of the large groupings and hope that everyone else leaves before 7pm rolls around. This usually works fairly well,  but last week there was a bit of confusion. As chairs were getting pushed around, an innocent studier was incorrectly incorporated in the knitting circle. As the first person to sit down, I of course knew that this girl had not come to learn a fiber art, but everyone just assumed she was a new face this week. The most surprising part, however, is that this girl stayed for most of the meeting. I wasn't bold enough to take a picture of the circle formation casualty, but I did take a picture of her stuff when she went to get a drink!

Thank you, Mystery Girl, for being such a good sport. We're sorry we forced you to join the knitting circle against your will. Of course, after she left I regretted not sliding some of the beginner materials towards her. If you're reading this Mystery Girl, PLEASE COME BACK! I'll teach you how to knit!

Before I return to the crippling weight of tests and deadlines, I'll leave you with one last sweet shot. I got to hang out with my buddy JD last weekend when his mama was out of town.
I'll admit he took up a considerable portion of my bed. Worth it. 

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